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Now, understand that there are no boundaries or rules in my Things I’d like to do list, it’s just moments that I would like to produce at this moment (today, tomorrow, next week) regardless of what’s needed to make it possible.


These are in no specific order. But my parents are first because they are old. Straight up. LOL


1. Having a “making meals” marathon with my mom – My mom always made really flavorful food when I grew up and still til this day. Unfortunately I have seen far too less of my mom  (I take the fault for that), but when I do see her and she is cooking, all the aromas take me back in my mind many, many years. I would love to spend time with her, talking about our lives and making yummy foods together.


2. Have an endless discussion with my dad – because with my dad, that’s the only kind of discussion you can have. His mind is a constant sponge in learning and interpreting information. So when I say ‘endless’, I really do mean that. I feel that many of our conversations in the past, never really had and ending because there were so many things to talk about and so many points of view to share. But besides that, I would like to know more of him when he was younger and how his life was and what experiences he can share. Our discussion would have tea and sweets. Lots and lots of sweets.


3. Swim in a tropical ocean with my kids. The kids love the beach. Always and forever, I think. A tropical ocean brings warm water temperature and a real enjoyment of the sea. They would go bonkers over it! I would like to discover how many consecutive days we could go to the beach until we get tired of it. That we would be an incredible experience.


4. Live next door to my sister – Now it doesn’t have to be like 15 feet next door, I mean, we could live on 1 acre of land and she could be my neighbor on her acre of land. Nonetheless, neighbors! The bond of family has always been important to my sister and being able to have our two families that close together will bring such a great happiness to her and the kids.


5. Have an endless BBQ with my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, closest friends, and extended family – because that’s how we do, and that’s how we’ll always do. The best food you’d ever tasted – all homemade. The best music playing on the radio (the soundtrack of our lives), and so many stories, hugs, laughs, and smiles. And the food, seriously, the best ever. 


6. Have a massive BBQ with everyone I have ever known – music, games, and prizes and food, food, food. Maybe even turtle races. All while interacting with all of the people whom I’ve ever known in life (through work, school, and social) and catching up with them and their families. 







ARRHHHHHHHHH!!!! First thing I have to do to is let it out. That was me using my inside voice to yell like a bear because the things I have to do are all my own doings. But still frustrating.  


1. Complete all paperwork for the divorce – The details of this should be saved for another blog at another time, but if anyone is familiar with this process, it is not pleasant, but also is not something to take lightly. Especially when your children are involved. So this one is on my mind constantly in order to be sure that all my "i's" are dotted and my "t's" are crossed.


2. Pay off Debt – Although I have my debt in check (5 different monthly bills), I just need to handle it different. I either need to make enough money that I don’t blink when making the monthly payments. Or I need to pay it off ASAP. Doing that will free up about $500 a month, which would go a whole lot of way for donut holes in my situation (just sayin), but reality is, I am making that $500 extra payments because it is what my current income allows me to. If I could step up my income, my options (and stress) can be more flexible. 


3. Get another job? – My employers have always thought I’m the best thing since sliced bread – in customer service. I can continue in the same industry, which has its strengths, or I can start paving a path to a more assured career future. The most apparent obstacle of this is my age of 41 with only a high school diploma. I have been able to success in my professional life by building good rapport and work ethic. And I feel that I can transfer that same success into a new career area, however the obstacles outweigh the timeline – and one of the problems with this is it works negatively on morale to NOT be able to see any immediate results. Anything that I feel that I can be good at – business operations, writing, marketing, branding, teaching, training, coaching – I would have to have a degree in which means at least 4 years of university. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind doing the work, but I have 2 jobs just to be able to support my family. The obstacle is large, but without a timeline, it’s not impossible. In the mean time, my real life timeline needs money – PRONTO. That’s why I write. I enjoy doing it, and… do people really make money from it?



What are some of the things on your "Like to vs Need to" list? How does it motivate you? inspire you? frustrate you? Let it all out bro. It feels good. 




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