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DO IT ALL !!!!

It is a simple phrase with a simple meaning. "Do it all". When your kids are newborns, this doesn't seem too difficult. It can mean feed them, burp them, change them, hold them, talk to them, sing to them, put them to bed, check on them. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Do it all. And why not? I mean... you can. Of course, for many of us, there are the reasons that we can't. We can't do it all. We have work, and deadlines, and school, and the other children, and other responsibilities. And...oh yeah... ourselves! We need time for ourselves, don't we? And so some things may vie for your time and pressure you into saying "I can't do it all myself." But please don't give into that. Because once you start finding reasons, the reasons are going to be easier to find. Let me side with you for a moment.... you are right... you can't do it all. So let's a take a moment to figure out what "All" actually entails. If it's the example I gave above with the newborn, try this: take some time to actually write up a plan on how you approach doing all those tasks. Are you in a certain room? Do you need certain preparation? Because they are babies, they aren't going to follow a strict guideline that YOU have in mind, so be realistic on your approach. Once you understand what needs to be done and how you go about doing it, you can roughly estimate how much time it's going to take you. Now lets look at the amount of time... how much time is it in comparison to other things in your life? Work, meals, showers, gym time, study time, TV times, social time, social media time? Outside of work and study time, you should be able to give your child an equal amount of time compared to the rest of your free time.


It may seem difficult at first, but it will come down to planning and preparation. And in no time, you will notice that you in fact do DO IT ALL. And you make it look easy...and you make it look good too. And, as a parent, and individual, it gives back such an empowering feeling. 



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